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Vital Signs report 2016.

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What is VitalSigns?


Vital Signs is the name given to a research project designed to check on the health of a

local community. It is organised and

co-ordinated by the UK Community Foundation.

Its aim is to produce a snap-shot of a local community and show both strengths and

weaknesses to tell us what is happening in our community.

 Perhaps most importantly, it should allow us to measure the involvement of the community in its own development.

Vital Signs looks at a number of areas which affect us all from the environment, to arts

and culture, from work to fairness, housing and education. It will help inform both grant making and donor decisions.


Last year, the report looked at 10 main themes: 

Work, Fairness, Housing and Homelessness, Safety, Learning, Arts,Culture & Heritage, Strong Communities, Environment, Healthy Living and the Local Economy.

We found, through focus groups and surveys that the 3 main areas of concern locally were Fairness, Housing and Homelessness and Child and Senior poverty. These then were the areas which this year's report focused on. Find the report at the top of the page.

Programs: Service
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